

In some ways, this feels like as much of my last night as the real one will. This is the last time I'll sit in the apartment alone, with my iChat open and my Thievery Corporation up loud. The last night I'll fall asleep alone in that big bed. The next week will feel like more of a vacation than really a wrap-up - in some ways, I feel incredibly unprepared. I wasn't given time to say goodbye, exactly - I was working and waiting, and then suddenly tomorrow, I'll be blissfully unaware that there was ever a city at all. I'm happy about that, but this sudden end of my rhythm is startling.

I had an okay last day. I made good money and I enjoyed working with the people I worked with. It was less bittersweet than last days normally are, mainly because of the hell I put up with from Janice. I came home, did some laundry, cleaned the apartment a bit, and chatted with my landlord about some final terms and whatnot. It's been a good, productive day, one more involved in the preparation for tomorrow than really today. I had a brush with the clean freak in me, and managed to keep her under wraps for at least a little longer - I cleaned that bathroom with a fury that I knew I had, but that had lain dormant for a while in regards to cleaning.

The next week is going to be wonderful. I'll extend that week to include the two or three days right after I get home, when there'll be a flurry of settling and seeing and catching up. I'm incredibly excited about that, as I've mentioned. My emotions do swing wildly between being anxious about going back and being thrilled that I'll be returning to what was such lovely normalcy. Is it awful that I'm nervous about it? Is it more awful that I was offered to opportunity for a summer in New York and didn't fall head over heels for the city?

Yes, StumbleUpon, I like pictures of tiny adorable animals. BITE ME.

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