
Oh the Frustration

Because of this damn rotoscoping - which I've been working on with short breaks since about 8 o'clock last night - I'm basically unable to do anything at all. I can't type, IMing is difficult, shifting between applications is nearly impossible, and listening to music? Out of the question. I've been having to watch old episodes of The View on an incredibly grainy 15-in TV set for the past several hours just to have something playing in the background while I work, wait wait wait, work, wait wait wait. To give you an idea of the depths to which I'm falling, I decided that, better than The View, I should at least put on a movie. I went to put GI Joe in (don't judge! There weren't many other options!), and found that someone else had left it in the DVD player. At least I'm not the only one who's bored out of my mind and needs something awful to watch . . .

The music is the worst part, though. I desperately want to turn on some good music, something to help pass the time while I'm literally waiting on everything, but iTunes, like Firefox, slows the whole works down even more. And since I'm morally opposed to wearing headphones in my own apartment, I'm just sitting around watching one of the worst movies ever made by way of waiting. But seriously, the score in this movie is godawful. It sort of adds to the hilarity of the whole thing.

In other news, my landlady is still pocket-dialing me on a regular basis. SO annoying. As if that woman weren't already on my least-favorite-people list, she has to call me repeatedly (three or four times a day) while at one of her husband's rallies or something. Have any of you seen Tarantino's "Death Proof?" There's one part where Stuntman Mike tells Butterfly basically that she's going on his list. And then whips out a notebook and says, "but unlike most people, I actually have a list." Great scene.

So after trying very hard to sleep this sickness off, I'm going to go down and learn an entirely new system to capture the people in these videos. It's funny - ever since I can remember, I get really homesick when I'm sick. I can think of several times at Laurens St. where I got sick, and was absolutely devastated that I wasn't home, but refused to call somebody to come get me. Hopefully that won't kick in - hopefully I'm not quite sick enough, or I'm too smart this time around to let myself be homesick from 700 miles away.

Finally, to all you lovelies who continue texting me and calling me and IMing me, thank you. I can't express exactly how much that comforts me - even as I'm getting used to this place, and it's starting to feel less alien to me, you guys sending love my way means all the world and more. Thanks. :)

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